Tuesday, August 23, 2011

T-64 #Usmle #Patho 23 yo caucasian male w/ ch hepatitis

P/E of a 23 y/o caucasian male w/ chronic hepatitis reveals corneal changes that are visible w/ naked eye as shown on the picture below.
 This patient is also likely to have ?
A. Pulmonary Emphysema
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Basal ganglia atrophy
D. Renal Cancer
F. Congenital deafness

Monday, August 22, 2011

T-64 #Usmle #Patho

A 44 yo male w/ a history of heavy alcohol consumption presents to the ER w/ a nosebleed. Local pressure is applied, and the bleeding remits. However hepatomegaly, ascites and the flapping tremor are noted on P/E. which of the following is the worst prognostic factor for this patient?
A. High AST
B. High GGT
C. Prolonged PT
D. Prolonged BT
E. High Fibrinogen.